Embark on an epic journey to cleanse the world from the grasp of a dark wizard who has polluted the environment with toxic plastic. As a chosen Guardian, gain powerful abilities from ancient masters and battle fierce enemies to restore balance and purity to the land. Confront the ultimate foe in a final showdown to reclaim Eden and bring about a new era of harmony and renewal.


A - to move left

D - to move right

W/Space - to jump

R- to shoot(wont damage anything yet)

Shift - to run

UPDATE: New section of the map added. Conserve your stamina or else you won't run. (unless it reaches 100% again, this is important for the next sprint and the next update of my game.). New part of the map in the end (not finished).


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Eternal Eden, crafted by Kevin, is a delightful RPG that feels like a warm, nostalgic hug mixed with a pinch of modern flair. The game invites you into a vibrant world with a story so engaging you'll forget what day it is—a true testament to its charm (or maybe just a sign you should set an alarm). The characters are quirky and memorable, like that one uncle who tells the same joke at every family gathering but somehow makes you laugh every time. The puzzles are clever enough to make you feel like a genius—at least until you get stuck and wonder if your cat could do better. The visuals and soundtrack wrap up the experience in a beautiful package, like a gift you can't wait to open. In short, Eternal Eden is a joy to play, offering a whimsical escape that's as refreshing as finding a cookie in the cookie jar you thought was empty. Just remember, if you find yourself thinking about the game in the shower, you're officially hooked!

R doesnt work on the main game because when i press R it doesnt shoot infront of me it shoots somewhere else, one other thing is for the attack animation its kinda slow same for the speed and run animation, when you walk around the main map of the game you kinda get stuck on some points where it gets me stuck also when i attack the enemies i dont need to attack its jsut when i collide with the enemy they die for some reason so i dont need to attack. i give it a 5/10 really good work but it still needs some improvement